Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More K-Pop

So this guy that I am working with at summer camp said to me, "I read your blog and almost every other post is about k-pop." Well, he's not entirely correct. I would guess that it's probably more often than every other these days (although the k-pop blogging has always been so consistent). What can I say, I really really like the music. Plus, I've been translating a lot these days, and I find it's really helping to reinforce the grammar rules that I've learned in other classes. I'm beginning to get a grasp on using verbs as adjectives and creating conditional statements in Korean, two things which were elusive bits of knowledge.

Anyways, I'll use this post to serve as an update on my other site, This site, for those who don't already know (or haven't yet read my plugs on about a zillion other sites), is my personal lyrics site. By personal I just mean that everything has been done by the two hands that are typing this very blog post. I edited the pictures, I copied every bit of 한글(korean) from the pages of the album jackets of the cds which I personally own. I then romanized every letter of hangeul as a pronunciation guide for those who perhaps cannot read Korean. Then, I meticulously translated the lyrics using my own brain, several translators and English-Korean dictionaries, plus various other translations of songs (when available).

I just finished translating the whole 2PM mini-album Don't Stop Can't Stop. This would be cool, but it's only 4 songs, and it took me forever because I took a two and a half week break from altogether. I just needed a break from translating.

Anyways, while translating this album, I discovered the song 목숨을 건다 which translates to I'm risking my life (목 is neck or throat, and 숨 is breath, but when together it means the breath of life, or just life, which I think is fucking awesome). That song is the most beautiful song ever in the whole fucking world. I love love love love love it. When I translated the lyrics I was like omg, Im in love with 2PM.

Here is the song for your listening pleasure:

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