Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'll Be Back

Sorry, 2PM, but I really wish you weren't back yet. THIS????????? This is the concept you're coming back with? WHY? This has got to be one of the top 3 lamest music videos of 2010. I don't understand. The choreography is just modified running mans and that's it. Listen 2PM, MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice did that back in the late 80s before most of you were born so maybe you haven't seen it, but I assure you, you are NOT bringing it back. The song itself isn't bad (I listened to it in the gym today in fact) but good lord, the video. It's a hot mess. Add ridiculous eye make (it puts BoA's Hurricane Venus to shame; if girls wore it they'd be criticized for whoring it up it's that excessive) and really uninspiring clothing choices (uh, drab neutrals? They aren't even pleasant looking neutral colors. They are the color of a post-apocalyptic dying earth). Plus, the video has no point. The dancing, as I mentioned before is completely uninteresting, so I'm not captivated by that alone. The only minor upside is that point in which that one guy (Taec?) is wearing the open shit and we get to see some skin.

1 comment:

  1. i wholeheartedly agree. while the song is ok, the video is horribleeee. when i watched it this afternoon, i literally laughed out loud at the dancing--it looks so comical. 2PM, is this for real?? i don't get the makeup/outfits, and taec's hair looks terrible.
