I missed the gym this morning in an unfortunate chain of events that started with my phone's alarm not going off and ending with me waking up at 7 a.m. saying oh shit, I'm gonna be late to work.
Luckily I wasn't late for work. Now I have to determine if it's a good idea for me to go to the gym this afternoon or skip it because I want to do the gym tomorrow morning... I gotta get into the habit of waking up early and just going to the gym. >.< It's so hard though.
Playing go-stop and this bejeweled like game on my phone is awesome.
Also, pocket frogs is the best app for the ipod/iphone EVER.
i missed the gym this morning too. but that's mostly because i don't really like the instructor of the pilates class wednesday mornings and decided i would rather stay in bed.