Friday, October 15, 2010


So this has both nothing to do with me and nothing to do with kpop so this will probably not initially be of interest to any of my readers (my reader base is a. friends from home, and b. crazed kpop fangirls/boys). But shit is funny as hell.

A friend posted it on facebook, I saw it and am reposting it here. HILARIOUS.


  1. that was surprisingly quite funny.

    thanks, i needed that.

    - sleepy

  2. HAHA That was really funny! Glad I got a good laugh in before bed. Have you seen the sneezing panda? If not search sneezing panda on youtube and watch it... SOOO cute and hilarious!

  3. That made my morning. CCUUTTEE! <3 Stacy

  4. matt found this video yesterday and we watched this for like 10 minutes last night... and then we watched other cute/funny/stupid animal youtube videos for another 20 minutes..
