Thursday, July 8, 2010

Taeyang Lyrics Announcement

So. The day has arrived when I promised Taeyang Solar Lyrics. It's not actually the afternoon, but the late evening, but a good friend here is leaving tomorrow, so I spent the afternoon with her. Sorry. But, it's still the big day.

Well, where are the lyrics, then, you may be wondering? Well, actually, they aren't here. Not one single lyrics is here.

Well, where are all the lyrics you promised?

Oh mysterious imaginary interviewer, the lyrics are someplace special. And I don't mean my heart.

Why don't you post them like you said you would?

Well, I realized that uploading the lyrics here would be both time consuming and difficult to not format, not to mention the fact that they would quickly end up in the archives behind my other worthless blogposts. Now, call me a psycho fangirl, but I think a blog archive is no place to put such musical treasures as Taeyang's Solar album lyrics.

So no lyrics?

Silly interviewer, I didn't say no lyrics. I said, no lyrics here.


Oh, they are over at

Wait, huh? What's that?

Well, imaginary mediaperson, it's the website I made just this week in order to give a proper home to the Taeyang lyrics. It's hosted on, a website making site, but I'm considering buying my own domain. I'm not sure yet, though.

Wait, so you made a whole website for Taeyang's Solar Album Lyrics?

Not just Taeyang's Solar Album, but any other songs I have time/interest in uploading. I hope to include sections for big bang and 2pm in the near future, but it'll take time.

Are there English translations on the site?

Why yes, in fact, there are. Every song is typed out (BY MY OWN HANDS) in hangul directly from the Solar Deluxe Album 68-page photo book. Then, each song is romanized for pronunciation purposes. This, also, was done entirely by me. Then, I managed to translate the songs to English.

Why don't you just take the lyrics off other websites?

Well, the truth is, I thought about it. It would be much less time consuming but I discovered that there are lots of mistakes throughout the process. I believe that using the cd inserts enables me to have the best chance at an accurate set of hangul lyrics. In addition, I personally have found some romanizations of certain songs not jut confusing buy wildly inaccurate. I tried to use a standardized romanization set, but there are some variations when I feel they are helpful for pronunciation. Finally, as far as translations go, when they existed online, I compared usually at least two other sets of lyrics, in addition to creating and translating each line on my own. For perhaps three to four songs, I could not find lyrics and so I translated them entirely alone, using nothing more than my own grammatical knowledge, google translate, and my cell phone's Korean-English dictionary.

Holy shit. Why did you do so much work for something no one will ever read?

Well, frankly, because I'm bat-shit crazy, plus I'm a fangirl. Also, I figured even if no one so much as looks at it, it will at least help my Korean typing/translating/vocabularly skilly improve. Plus, hopefully I'll learn the lyrics to my favorite songs better myself this way.

*Notes: On Taeyang's Solar album, I still haven't translated 기도 (Prayer), and I haven't typed anything for 나만 바라봐 (Look Only at Me). Being re-releases from the HOT mini-album, I figured if I had to cut something, that would be it. As such, those will be posted no later than July 12th. I promise.

Also, Can't Stop Won't Stop, 2PM's mini-album is up next.

Also also, PLEASE COMMENT AND COMPLETE THE SURVEY on the homepage for the site. If you see mistakes or think something could be improved, please let me know! Once again, the site is:


1 comment:

  1. i romanized/translated some of g-dragon's stuff when i was trying to learn it if you wanna borrow it and give me credit ㅋㅋㅋ
