Saturday, May 2, 2009

Well, Here Goes Nothing

I am officially done with classes & exams, and am now 22! As of late, I've pretty much just been hanging out and going out and enjoying my last few days of college. It's still kind of surreal to say "last few days of college." At this time tomorrow I will be about to walk and become an official graduate of UF.

Oh, did I mention that I got a TATTOO? Because I did. On my ankle. Of the FUEL flame. I will post pictures on the blog as soon as I get a hold of some. BoBo did all the photography, and so I don't really know when she'll put them on fbook or send them to me. My camera is broken (a victim of my birthday party :-( ...) so I can't take pictures, otherwise I totally would, and this wouldn't be a problem.

This afternoon is a celebratory end of semester/graduation bbq for FUEL/UF-A/High Level. I'm pretty excited for that. VOLLEYBALL! Hooray!

I'm exhausted. Got to bed crazy crazy late last night.

Anyhow, this week has been wonderful and nigh on to idyllic, but I don't want to kinx myself on it. I still have to actually walk.


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