Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Number 2

I recently read an article that suggested that Americans and their toilets have it all wrong.

The article reported that doctors agree that a toilet seat is not as natural or easy a means to relieve yourself as the old-fashioned, still-popular-in-the-East squatting toilets are. Reports say that people using a squatting toilet are able to relieve themselves something like 30% faster and in a more comfortable manner.

Additionally, people from countries that still use squat toilets widely (this includes South Korea where most bathrooms have at least a couple squatting toilets) have a much lower incidence of kidney stones (something like 40% lower) and that, we all know, is a good thing.

However, when it comes down to it, I prefer the sitting toilets due to my natural western inclination. However, I have no problems or hesitations using a squatter. I wonder if that 30% faster figure includes westerners who need to take an extra two minutes to mentally prepare themselves for what they perceive is a dirty, archaic, third-world bathroom convention.

As an aside, I have seen show prints on the toilet seat in the bathroom next to my classroom (there is only one western style cammode, and 8-9 squatters) which indicates that some students still think that a western toilet is for squatting, not sitting.

Interesting, right?

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