Thursday, January 13, 2011


So it has been a long long time since I've updated you, huh, dear readers?

Well, the good news is I'm back.

Also, I wanted to announce to you all that I started a tumblr. The reason for doing this is because some of my friends back home have complained that my blog became overrun with my kpop obsession. As a result,  I decided to go ahead and open up a tumblr because I've been meaning to check out tumblr and stuff, but haven't had a good opportunity to do so. I think tumblr is the ideal platform for a blog/site that has a more specific focus. This blog originally started as an attempt to keep people back home informed about my life here, and to perhaps inform/entertain other people with stories about living in a different country, especially one so interesting as Korea. After about 8 months, it disintegrated into an explosion of kpop videos, cd reviews, gossip, and other blatherings. My bad. Anyways, hopefully I will be keeping my tumblr mostly Korean Pop Culture focused, with the occasional anecdote from my life, here, while this blog will be primarily focused on Korean (not-pop) Culture, food, life, and teaching ESL at my middle school.

If you are interested in Korean pop culture (I keep typing Korean pup culture and I don't know why...) then head on over to my tumblr: Sometimes my shit will be the same, but mostly it'll be different. I'm still testing out all the cool functions on my tumblr, so be prepared for some strange stuff there.

Anyways, school has been crazy. I've been helping a coteacher with her son in the afternoons and in the mornings last week I was cooking with my grade threes just for funsies (man, they are effing TERRIBLE cooks, it's unreal). This week every day nine until 12:40 I'm teaching winter camp. Tomorrow is our last day. We're making modified grilled cheese sandwiches and salad and I'm giving out prizes.

Anyways, I swear to you, I have a killer hot list coming up and I am totally going to do it in a video.

In the meantime, here's a picture of something I've really really wanted to do at E-Mart but hadn't until today!

At E-Mart, after you pay for all your foodstuffs, there is a loooooong metal table and beside that table are cardboard boxes from food shipments that the store had received. People have free access to these boxes to tape them and string them up and use them to haul their groceries back to their own apartment. I love this idea. Almost no one uses paper bags unless they have exactly the right amount of groceries that aren't too heavy but also aren't so few or small that one could just carry them or put them in one's purse. Anyways, I've always seen these boxes, but I also always brought reusable bags to the store (another VERY common sight here). Tonight, however, I underestimated the size and weight of my purchases today and found that I couldn't fit everything comfortably in my one shopping bag and purse. So I had to carry my food over to the table and jerry-rig a shopping box. Here's how I did:

Pringles. Hahaha. They have their own special tape and ribbon to wrap up your box

The things in my box: 3 bottles salad dress, soy sauce, Gochu Jang (pepper sauce), spaghetti sauce, milk, heavy cream, Busan fishcakes, rice cake (under the fishcake), kimchi

Tomorrow I am attempting to make 떡볶이 and 김치전 for dinner for me and Hoon. I'm a little nervous since it's only my second time making these things and the first time 떡볶이 was a total disaster. Plus, Hoon is Korean so if it's not good, he will definitely know. If however, I was cooking for some friends back home, I wouldn't be nearly so nervous.


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