Friday, July 23, 2010

I don't think there is that much going on here these days.

I've been busy this week with my first week of summer camp. I made it really active for my girls because they're grade 1 and if it isn't engaging their totally zoned out. So on day one, we did music listening challenges. Then on day two, we had a cooking class. We went down to the home ec room (가사실) and made banana and peanut butter pancakes. The students really liked them. Some even took pictures with their phones and set their pancake pictures as the backgrounds on their phones. Then on Wednesday, we wrote movie plots. They had to chose a genre and a main character and describe the characters and then write and outline of the story. I gave them a sample story that involved a second Korean war, YoungBae falling in love with me, and me being a prisoner of war. Basically, it was epic. Thursday we made movie posters for our movies. Students had all class to make their posters and some students presented, but not many. The pics of the movie posters are below. Horror movie was the genre of choice.

(My picture)

This weekend, I have another date, and on Sunday I'll play frisbee. Then, Monday-Thursday I'll be on vacation. No solid plans yet. A visit from the boy. Maybe Bekah and I will go to Busan or Gwangju, but it doesn't look good in the planning department.

I have to read James and the Giant Peach with my students for my other camp. I have never read it before (this may seem like blasphemy to childrens lit fans, but I was never into Roald Dahl. In fact, I don't know if I've read any of his books). I discovered that the book uses the word 'ass' twice (well, so far... I'm almost done) which seems moderately inappropriate for 7th graders. But maybe not. I just feel like I shouldn't be teaching students English swear words.

Also, yesterday and today I went to the immigration office. I went yesterday to get my Visa and Alien Registration Card extended so I could stay another year in Korea and teach at my wonderful school. My primary co-teacher, Kim Hyo-Jin went with me to the office, which is a 15-20 minute walk from my house/school. Then, today I went back to the immigration office because they didn't extend my visa, only my arc which is annoying because my co-teacher specifically asked, is this for both things or just one? Gah. 짜증나~ Plus I went with a different co-teacher that I don't really like as much because she makes me crazy with her methods of doing things. I had to go wither her because the others had left for trips to Singapore and Cambodia (omg so effing jealous).

My resolutions for the next year in Korea:
1. visit Cambodia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia
2. improve my teaching efficiency
3. pay off all my student loans
4. help sar-bear plan her wedding from afar
5. Actually keep in contact with more people.

Those are in no particular order.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that you can add nearly 600,000 won to my frivolous spending account as I bought a new Coach bag and Coach wallet. Seriously, they were so worth every won. I freaking love them. Unfortunately I can't use the purse often because it rains so much here and I don't want it to get soaked or messed up.

I will also leave you with Se7en's comeback song music video. I think he is hella fine, but his tattoo is ugly. But, Se7en in a total legend as far as k-pop goes. He's been around forever and he's finally making a comeback. I wasn't into him until recently, but listening to his older shit makes me really dig him.


  1. Boy?? uhhhh ohhh sounds like trouble :)

    I LOVED the activity you described. I have to do a lesson on literature for a summer camp next week...I might be borrowing this idea...

  2. Never read James? Weird. Our third grade teacher loved roald dahl. We read sooo many. Also, I remember the ass thing bc we had to get permission to see the movie bc it was pg and said ass and all.

  3. like your resolutions for next year (esp. #4). how long are you going to be in gville? i'm super excited to see your pretty face!
