Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So I've been kind of an epic fail at posting these days. I know I know, it's been less than a week since my last post, which is way better than most of my blogging friends out there, but it's pretty bad compared to my recent 3+ posts/week that had been going on for the last couple months.

I'm still hella busy, which is why I haven't been posting. I started a post on Friday, but that never got finished. So I'll leave you with these bits of blogging ridiculousness:

1. I FUCKING HATE HANGUL WRITING PROGRAM. This is not the written language that I hate, but rather a Korean word processor that I am required to use to prepare my worksheets/lessons for my summer camp. It's used for all government documents here, which I think is just fucking stupid. Here's the thought process: hey, we need a Korean language word processor, and right now (btw it's 1989 or something like that), nothing exists for that. Let's make one. *Fast Forward to 2000* Hey MSWord has Korean compatability now, and that's what the rest of the world is using, should we use that? Nah, fuck it, why would our government want to use that? It's not like we have to interact with other countries, right? So, now I'm stuck using this stupid program that has the weirdest formatting (when adding pictures it makes portions of your type disappear in the editing section, but when you print preview it, everything is there-- frustrating much?), and which doesn't work on my office computer so I have to use my significantly hotter and more uncomfortable classroom computer to even create these effing documents, which I cannot access on my mac laptop at home, nor will I be able to access stateside if I ever decide, hey, those were some good activities, I'd like to use them again.

2. I love M&Ms. My co-teacher bought me a couple bags. They are supposed to be for my summer camp class, but I have an extra bag of peanut m&ms which I just looooooooove. So, yeah, those are mine.

3. God tutoring the business man I tutor is ridiculous. So strange. He just shares with me these uncomfortable theories and stories and other things. These are the things he told me last night alone:
a) "Drinking one bottle vodka, okay, two bottles, I crazy" (I asked for clarification, how many people are drinking said bottle of vodka? He said, "me only one bottle, friend and me drinking together, two bottles vodka" Just thinking about drinking a whole bottle of vodka made me feel like I had severe alcohol poisoning)
"One bottle vodka okay, two bottles I crazy." 

b) *while discussing whether U.S. cities are dangerous, after baltimore was brought up* "Baltimore have many black people?" to which I replied, "yes, a fair number" to which he responded, "I see. In Seattle, very safe. My friend say Seattle is very safe, not many black people. I think in United States no job is very big problem. Many black people, not just black people but black people, hispanic people, have no job, and I think it is a very big problem to the government. People with no job take some money from government and other people work very hard and lose their money. But the people with no job, the black and hispanic people with no job, don't work, only take money." I attempted to clarify that often, the jobless people aren't jobless because they choose to be, but because they can't find work, due to the economy, lack of education, lack or resources, lack of a great number of things. It's really difficult to explain the idea that certain communities of people (black, white, hispanic, asian, middle eastern african, whatever) are basically raised into lives with few opportunities as opposed to other communities (of more wealth) where things like education, food, homes, and safety and handed to the inhabitants on a silver platter.
c) *showing me a text message he had received from a girl which contained her measurements* "shoulders is that just here to here" *points from right should to left* Yes, of course. *writes down all measurements* "Her waist, is ____cm (I don't remember). How many inches is that? Is that big or small?" After a quick calculation, I reply, "It's tiny." And her shoulders and like half of mine. "ah, I see. This is for Chinese girl. Very nice. She is the secretary for my business partner. She drives us to factories and helps negotiate sometimes. She is very pretty so good at negotiations. I am very thankful so I say I give her present. She says she wants Korean dress." Oh, she wants a hanbok (traditional Korean dress)? That's surprising. "No, she wants red dress, short skirt like this (indicates a very short skirt) so I must get this dress." Are these dresses not available in China? This is all too strange.
 I am certain that red mini dresses are available in China.

d) The kicker. "In Australia, I smoke Marijuana." (Mind you, this is all completely unprovoked. Like, he out of no where is like hey, I smoked pot back in the day). "In Australia, everyone smokes marijuana, you never try?" In response, I truthfully say, "nope, I've never tried marijuana. It's not my thing. A lot of my friend smoke, but not me." "Really?" he says in surprise, "Everyone in U.S.A. smokes the marijuana." Well, not everyone, but okay, I see his point. He goes on, "my friend and I one night Australia drinking, talking, drinking, and we go outside and he goes to a narrow street, you know, for the pissing (DIRECT QUOTE I SWEAR TO GOD), and I look over and he sit down and is rolling, you know, the marijuana, and then the police come, and they see him. I very nervous about the marijuana, and the police bring more police and they see the marijuana, but it is less than 12 grams so it is not for the selling so they say, it is okay and we go." Should the guy I tutor be talking about his run-ins with the Sydney law enforcement agency over marijuana.
I swear to god I did a google image search for "Australia Marijuana" and this was the fifth picture.

So, yeah, that's what I've been up to.


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