Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Election Day

Today was election day, which means that we have no school. It's a pretty awesome concept. Encourage people to vote by giving them the whole day. Now you can vote, do errands, enjoy some time outside, and relax a little. No stress for voting. However, with the no voting stress, you may forget to vote altogether. This seems to be a common problem as the voter turnout is still really low, especially when you consider no one has to actually make time to do it.

Anyways, since the big frisbee tournament is this weekend and we had no work today, we all met for practice in seoul at 9:30. I spent the night at bek's because 7:00 a.m. on a no-school day would have killed me.

Practice was small (only 10 people) but it was good. After we got sandwiches at this great little place near Ichon Station (이촌역). The place was called Tomati, and they had club sandwiches, and salads and all kinds of things. A roast veggie sandwich for vegetarians even; and it got good reviews from our resident veg-head, ADrews.

After practice I came home with the intention of going to E-mart to pick up some groceries. Before leaving for the store, I bought my plane ticket to NYC!!! So excited for that. My first trip to the big city where I can pretty much decide to do what I want to do. hehe. Anyways, then I walked to E-Mart (the day was GLORIOUS, warm and breezy). I did my shopping, went to the checkout line, got everything on the conveyor belt and suddenly realized that i had left my wallet at home. blaaaaaaaaaargh. I had to ditch all my purses and walk home defeated. I bought nothing today. hah.

Then I went to Bupyeong for dinner with Miranda and Christi. Had 닭야채볶음밥 which is chicken and vegetable fried rice (spiiiiiiicy) and 막국수 which is a spicy-ish cold buckwheat noodle soup. LOVE it. Then we went shopping a bit. I bought a hot pink t-shirt on sale at Codes Combine.

I also decided to try my hand at gardening. When I was about 13/14 years old, I had a garden. And by had a garden, I naturally mean that I picked out and helped plant the seeds and then let my father do all the weeding and watering and feeding and fertilizing and tending, and then I picked the veggies and took all the credit for MY garden (it was my idea, at least). So to get back in touch with my gardening roots I bought a plant. Okay, so, it's a cactus. Okay, so, cactuses are like the single easiest thing to care for. But, you gotta start somewhere, and I don't exactly have the space for some tomato plants or whatever.

I also bought some silver glitter french manicure nail polish, new eye liner and a new eyeshadow brush.

Anyways, my one goal for the day, to do laundry, did not happen. oops.


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