Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A wonderful morning surprise

Last night after work I got home at about 5:45, had a Chilsung Cider and two chocolate chip cookies and took a nap. I had planned on waking up an hour later to go to emart and buy some lightbulbs because the two in my bathroom blew out and I had spent the last two days without any light in my bathroom. Makes showering/make-applying/hair fixing a bit of an experience.

Unfortunately, I work up at 9:30. I checked my e-mail and facebook, texted and phone-called bekah, and then promptly went back to sleep.

You see, I've been pretty sick lately. Not deathly ill, just a fairly bad cold. Also, I bit the inside of my left cheek, and it's not healing very quickly and it hurts a lot. So I figured I would take sleep when I could. As such, when I woke up, I still had no light in my bathroom, but I was feeling quite refreshed.

Found out that my Family Mart restocked their Strawberry milk, and then got to work to discover that Ali wanted to gchat. And so we got to do video at my school and she saw some of my students and it really was pretty great. I was very happy, and all in all, it was a very good morning. Let's just hope my afternoon and evening will continue being equally great. *^^*

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