Friday, April 30, 2010

My Birthday

It's my birthday soon. I can't wait.  I started writing this blog on the 28th. I was going to talk about how it's my birthday soon and I was a little nervous about being alone but really happy to go to Jeju and blah blah blah.

Instead, I will talk about how completely kick-ass my birthday was.

I didn't eat these but my god, if I had, my birthday would have been effing perfect. Credit: Cupcakes Take the Cake

Anyways, my birthday really was fantastic. I could spend the time listing all the kick ass gifts I got, but I won't (although my new Hello Kitty watch, Red Riding Hood planner, Coke can camera, hair pins, kitty cosmetic case, skinny jeans, Milano cookies, steve madden gold oxfords, mix cd, rubber stamps, hello kitty pillow, and big bang stickers galore were all pretty tight^^)

Instead, I just want to say I am so thankful to my friends both back home and here in Korea. Usually, all my posts are about how wonderful Korea is and how much I love it here. It's true, I freakin' love Korea. Probably more than the United States. I love the food, I love my job, I love my students, I love the public transportation. But, even though I love it, sometimes life here is a little bit difficult. Whether it's communication issues or just the occasional bout of homesickness, sometimes I wish I were in the States.

I was very concerned about being lonely on my birthday, but I have been so well taken care of here, that I have hardly had a moment this week to think about home. All week I have been receiving cards and packages and little reminders about how loved I am back home. Then, on Wednesday/Thursday/today, my school co-workers and students have been so kind and fun and cheerful and celebratory that I can't help but be thrilled.

My students sang Happy Birthday to me maybe 15 times this week. Plus, gave me cards and letters and various little gifts. On student wrote the kindest note on her card: "Dear teacher: Because of you my English is developing. You are my best teacher. Please remember me." I almost cried.

Then yesterday, my co-teachers took me to dinner at a kamja tang restaurant (my favorite korean food) which is incidentally owned by the mother of one of my favorite grade 2 students, Minji. The kamja tang was FANTASTIC, and the conversation was good. Then, we went to a bar, where I got to open presents and eat cake and drink beer with people who are like my second family.

And now, it's a day of non-work work (although I should prepare for lessons next week), and them I'm off to Jeju for the 9s tournament. Sure, I haven't packed at all, and I work till 4:30, but it's all good.

God, I love it here.

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