Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Hello Kitty obsession hits a new apex

So last monday, Christi, Miranda, SY and I went to Hello Kitty Cafe in Hongdae, Seoul. It was quite possibly one of the greatest things I have ever experienced in my life. Seriously, I don't know what is wrong with me, but in the last 3 weeks, my hello kitty obsession has hit new heights, leading me to buy all kinds of ridiculous kitty paraphernalia. The weird thing is, I freaking HATE really cats (although my love of hello kitty has tempered this hatred mildly), but can't get enough of kitttttty!

Anyhow, this will just be a picture dump because it is really difficult to express in words the sheer joy that came with going to the hello kitty cafe. Seriously, it was one of the best things I've done in Korea thus far (and I've done/seen some pretty neat things). I think the only thing that easily tops the Hello Kitty Cafe is the Dream Concert, because, until next year's Dream Concert, nothing will top it.

So without any further ado, the Hello Kitty Cafe:
The outside of the cafe. It is super tiny and they said we could expect a wait of an hour (but it only took 20 minutes) And me being silly in front of the cafe!

I kept this one kind of big because it's a really really good picture of me and Miranda, AND hello kitty in the background is so perfect.

The walls have cut out silhouettes of hello kitty, and the chairs are hello kitty tooooo!

 I got a waffle and iced americano for about 5,000 won, which is pretty good for a specialty cafe like this. Also, the kitty in the corner of my plate is chocolate dust. omg. love it.

Caramel waffle, hot chocolate, ice americano, strawberry yogurt, fully decked out in hello kitty style. More chocolate dust kitty on hot choco

So effing happy!

Even the bathroom was decked out with hello kitty. Also, this is the chocolate cream cake I bought to eat at home. *^__^*

So, that was my trip to hello kitty cafe.


p.s. OMG MY FAMILY WILL BE HERE IN 2.5 HOURS! pinch me, I must be dreaming! *^^* 


  1. OMG. These are the CUTEST pictures! The wall cut-outs and the chocolate dusting are perhaps my favorite (if I had to pick)

  2. I thought it was pretty spectacular too.

    @Paige, you know, the wall cut-outs were my favorite too, but no one else seemed to appreciate it quite as much as I did. Glad to see you can.

  3. i've been waiting for this post! it's all too cute. the wall cut-outs are amazing. they thought of everything that could possibly be hello kitty-ed!

    p.s. i want one of those mugs with hello kitty's face, like the one with the strawberry yogurt in it. so freaking cute!

  4. Hooray for the Hello Kitty Cafe!
