Monday, January 18, 2010


I went to a hospital today because I have been sick for the past three weeks. After three hours of waiting, an eye examination (in which the korean woman who helped translate was thoroughly appalled by my unassisted vision test performance. I couldn't see the biggest line and had to step forward twice in order to read the largest line), a general doctor exam, a chest x-ray, and blood tests, the doctor determined that I do not have H1N1, but instead am merely infected with allergic conjunctivitis as well as chronic bronchitis. Here, the doctor was in total disbelief that I don't smoke, but still have chronic bronchitis. However, he explained, there is no other reasonable diagnosis, plus the pollution in my area has been known to cause bronchitis.

This is my pink eye. It is/was itchy, but the eyedrops help:

I got prescribed a whole slew of antibiotics and extra strength painkillers:

I must take 4 pills three times/day, plus 10 mL of this horrrrrrrible cough syrup 3x/day, PLUS eyedrops SIX times/day, plus I have an inhaler for the tournament in Thailand, in case my bronchitis causes my asthma to flair up. On the up side, I get to go home at 11:30 every day for the rest of the week due to my sickness. This means I can sleep more. And maybe plan better for the rest of winter camp?

I am playing hot potato tomorrow. We are learning about Ireland. See the connection?



  1. glad you got some medicine that will hopefully cure you! have fun in thailand! so jealous.

  2. oh! Feel better allison!!! You are making a most painful expression in the photo with your pink eye.

    P.S. I love that you are playing hot potato and learning about Ireland. :) I have a feeling that is on the list of 'inappropriate cultural referances' at Wellington Elle now. Mom tells me all about them and it is pathetic.

    P.S.S. You look super pretty in the facebook button photo!!
