Monday, December 7, 2009

An update.

Things here have continued in their insanity. I am so busy, but then I am completely not busy. It’s a mystery to me how I get anything done. I’m at work for 8 hours a day, but only teaching somewhere between an hour and a half and four hours on any given day. Unfortunately, the things that I am busy doing are things that require me to move around and not be at school. Christmas shopping has been a nightmare thus far, as I feel obligated to by Korean things for my friends/family, but that is a vague notion in itself, and then I can’t stick to clothing because it’s just so damn weird here. Plus, the sizes are all crazy. Add on top of that, grocery shopping, Korean classes, eating food (which lately involves me eating out) and I have zero time for myself. My sleep patterns are all out of whack, and I’m tired all the time. And we will not even talk about the appalling disaster that is my apartment. It looks, currently, like my closet vomited all my clothing onto the floor, and then I took a three-inch binder and emptied its entire contents onto my bed/desk/coffee table and then decided to not clean my bathroom or vacuum my floors for three months (honestly, it’s been a week and a half, but nothing stays clean on hardwood, and my bathroom was disgusting from the day I moved in, and I’m still trying to recover it).

Buuuut, I love it here.

I promise to post Christmastime pictures soooooon. Plus, a VIDEO.

p.s. I may start doing video blogs, if I get the inspiration.


  1. I want Video Blogs! :) I feel the same way about no time/alot of time/no idea what is going on with time in general.

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one with an apartment that looks like a disaster area ;)
