Monday, July 13, 2009

We interrupt regularly scheduled Colombia programming for this Special Announcement:

I'm going to South Korea!!!!!!

I got my contract in the mail yesterday, and I will be leaving for orientation on August 19th, and will be teaching in Incheon city for one full year, until August 25, 2010.

I am so so excited, but also incredibly intimidated by the prospect of moving to South Korea and starting my "real" life in a country so far away and different from everything I've known.

Packing and ticket purchasing, E-2 visa getting and Korean learning will be occupying most of my time for the next month. Be warned.



  1. Congratulations alli-son! I'm SO happy for you. Are they down with homosexual marriages there? If so, sarah and I will be visiting you shortly!

  2. Yay!!! This is so exciting! Can't wait to hear all about your preparation (including your quick mastery of Korean)!

  3. haha katie took the words out of my mouth! congrats again on the job! i probs won't be going home this weekend.. but give ali a hug for me!
