Nova: He is finally not sick anymore, and he is also finally getting bigger. It seemed like he wasn't growing much but he's finally hit a growth spurt and so he's getting bigger and bigger all the time. He's still much smaller than Baram, who is pretty freaking big these days. But, now when they fight, at least Nova isn't getting thrown around so much. haha. Nova is eating like a little piggy though. Gotta curb that. No fat kitties over here.
Big Bang Special Edition Album: I got the Big Bang Special Edition 4.5 Album and it's really good. Sure, 70% of the songs are old songs, but those three new tracks are SO SO SO SO SO good. It's mind-boggling. The new direction Big Bang is headed is very western and very exciting. I just hope that their new Western style won't lead them to promote too much outside of Korea. Stay here boys!! PLEASE.
Skype: I got to skype with the League this afternoon. My best friend, Sarah was having a bachelorette weekend in NYC. Her wedding will be May and so all the girls got together this weekend to celebrate before her big day. I was really bummed I couldn't be there with all my best friends, but it was so wonderful to chat with them. I miss them more and more every day.
APRIL = BIRTHDAYS!: April is like the big birthday month for everyone. April 7th was Nova's 100 day birthday. It's not a real birthday, but 100 days usually gets a big celebration in Korea. For Nova's 100 day celebration, I ordered a mini cat tower for the boys. They've out-grown/pulled apart the smaller scratching post for them so it seemed like a good gift
For my boys. It's about 2.5 feet high. They are gonna totally dig it I think.
We've also got three leaguer's birthdays: Nickipants, Stella and Nicole.
Plus my birthday is at the end of the month (April 29th) so yeah!
1. Dirty kittens: Nova and Baram have this annoying habit of pulling their poop out of their litter box and playing with it or batting it all around my apartment. It's gross.
2. Bum ankle: Yesterday at frisbee practice, during a box drill (a basic cutting and throwing drill) I was making a cut and as soon as I went to plant on my left food, I slid and my ankle rolled underneath me and I fell. There was a pop and a lot lot lot of pain. I went to the hospital later than evening and they said they suspect it's just a sprain but that if after a week it's still hurting a lot, I should come back so they can run an MRI because they only did xrays to check for fractures (none). In the meantime I'm wearing this ridiculously big splint and hobbling around. It sucks a lot and it's particularly difficult with the cats. I can't move fast and I can't bend down easily and cleaning up whatever stupid shit they do (spill their water bowls, play with their poop, knock shit over) is really difficult. I'm taking some medicine but it doesn't help much with the pain at all. Plus I have no idea what the hell I'm going to wear to school tomorrow since my splint is way to big for jeans, and I can't wear stockings or tights or anything.
Yeah, walking in this kinda sucks. It took me 15 minutes to walk what would normally take just 5-7 minutes.
3. Crazy Schedule Changes: Last week I had a crap ton of schedule changes due to some open classes I had to go watch at other schools. So on Friday I ended up having to teach six classes straight with only a break for lunch. That's five and a half straight hours of teaching students which sucked. Like a lot. Plus, I had to constantly switch back and forth between new and old lessons and it was super complicated.