Thursday, May 6, 2010

One More Thing

You know, when I was living back in the United States, there were singers or t.v. programs or actors or things I really really liked, but I wouldn't say I had many obsessions (excluding my 3.5 year love affair with Rooney which now rests at a healthy level of enjoyment and has been tempered with time and distance). Now, however, my whole life is essentially composed of series of obsessions: Hello Kitty, Big Bang, Taeyang, Jay Park, John Steinbeck (finally breaking away from this one by reading the latest Pulitzer Prize winner Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout), Dumbfoundead, Strawberry Milk (yes, I still drink this almost everyday), etc.

I don't know what it is about Korean culture or life that accepts weird obsessions. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one though. The co-teacher I share an office with is OBSESSED with Gang Dong-Won (and understandably so, with the body and face that he has), my friend Miranda is obsessed with BigBang/TOP, and all my students are obsessed with some Korean celebrity or another. It's just okay here. acceptable.

 who wouldn't be in love with this slice?

oh, and Hello to you too, future husband

1 comment:

  1. So, I think when you are finished with your Korean Adventure you should move to Philadelphia. Just saying. I think I can woo you fairly easily with the food and family connections whereas I have to be a little more creative when talking up the city to Ali. But seriously. I'm already thinking of a 20somethings Philly version of Sex and the City. no?
